6  DHIS2

DHIS2 is a tool used for collection, validation, and presentation of patient-based statistical data. To use this tool, we need tables in a standardized format that can be used by DHIS2. From now on we call those tables DHIS2 reports. In addition, governments use the DHIS2 reports to obtain insights in the performance of different clinics. For MomCare three DHIS2 reports are of interest:

The DHIS2 reports are of the following format:

serial_number description year month clinic age_group_10_14 age_group_15_19 age_group_20_24 age_group_25_29 age_group_30_34 age_group_35_plus
1 Mothers expected /projected to deliver at service station 2022 7 Charlotte Hospital 0 0 1 0 1 0

Where the description shows the DHIS2 topic, and for each clinic and each age group the occurence in that year and month is counted.

6.1 DHIS2 reporter

All code to create the DHIS2 reports can be found the Datacare-fhir-data-insights-cot repository. The COT data was first converted into standardized FHIR resources. The Fhir resources were then processed into standardized tables such as a patienttimeline, which lists all procedures and diagnosis that the mother received over time. The conversion of Fhir data in the standardized reports occurs with the base reporter module as described in the standardized reporting section. Based on these standardized reports, the DHIS2 reporter module is used to create the DHIS2 reports.

All Fhir resources required for the DHIS2 reports are:

  • patient, providing information about the age of the mother
  • condition, providing information about all diagnosis the mother received
  • procedure, providing information about all procedures the mother received, and information about the time of each procedure
  • encounter, providing information about the type of visit (ANC, delivery, or PNC)
  • observation, providing information about the expected delivery date
  • organization, providing information about the clinics that the mother visisted
  • serviceRequest, providing information that indicates whether the mother was referred and for what reason
  • questionnaireResponse, providing all questionnaire responses of the mother

In figure 6.1 the flow to create a DHIS2 report has been visualized.

Figure 6.1: DHIS2 reporting flow and required input, dashed blocks: optional actions, orange: ‘raw’ fhir data, yellow: external data, blue: intermediate data, green: processed data

After runnning the base reporter module †o create the base tables, the DHIS2 reporter module is used to create the ANC, delivery, and PNC DHIS2 report. Within the DHIS2 reporter the following actions take place:

  • Creation of mapping tables: A mapping between DHIS2 topic and the corresponding condition/procedure or other characteristic in the data was created in the form of CSV files. These files make it easy to map rows in the questionnaire_response and patient_timeline tables to topics in the DHIS2 reports. These CSV files are converted to SQL tables to use in the DHIS2 reporter. This section is dashed, because it is only required one time to load the mapping tables in the database. However, when the mapping files would be updated, this section should be ran again.
  • Enrichment of the patient timeline: The patient_timeline table is enriched with extra information that is of importance to create DHIS2 reports.
  • Coupling DHIS2 topics: The DHIS2 topics are coupled to the patient timeline and questionnaire response data using the mapping tables. In addition for mor and separate functions for more unique topics.
  • Creation DHIS2 reports: The DHIS2 report is created based on the coupled patient_timeline and questionnaire data.

DHIS2 topics

For each topic in the DHIS2 reports a calculation or filtering of the patients to which the condition applies is required. In this section, we describe for each topic how it was obtained from the data.

The serial number and the description refer to the topics in the DHIS2 reports. The code is the code given to a procedure or condition, the system is the code system, in this case SNOMED for procedures and ICD10 for conditions, origin refers to the fhir resource where the information can be found, the original description the description given in the COT system, and the extra filter contains exta information of importance for calcultion of the topic.

For questionnaire responses this includes the answer to the question. for many topics the VISIT TYPE (ANC, PNC or delivery) is of importance, therefore the VISIT_TYPE is often used as an extra filter. This information comes from the ENCOUNTER_RESOURCE. Besides this, for procedures and conditions, we have added calculated fields:

  • VISIT_TYPE_NO: the number of visit for a specific visit type (anc, pnc delivery)
  • VISIT_NO: the number of visit (each visit counts)
  • HIV_TEST: counts if it is the first second, third or xxxth HIV test
  • gestation_week: contains the week of gestation for a patient at the time of the visit.
  • age: age of the mother at enrollment. Note that, for example, when a mothers birthday is on the 22nd of August, we consider the age of the mother on the 21 of August still as 21.
  • MALARIA_TREATMENT: the number of malaria treatment

ANC reports

serial_number description code system origin original_description extra filter
1 Number of Projected pregnant women na na metric na given by clinic
2 First ANC visit na na metric na VISIT_TYPE_NO = 1 and VISIT_TYPE = ANC
2a Week of pregnancy below 12 weeks (< 12 weeks) na na metric na gestation_week < 12 and VISIT_TYPE = ANC and VISIT_TYPE_NO = 1
2b Week of pregnancy above 12 weeks (>= 12 weeks) na na metric na gestation_week >= 12 and VISIT_TYPE = ANC and VISIT_TYPE_NO = 1
2c All revisit clients na na metric na VISIT_NO > 1
2d All pregnant women with 4+ ANC visits na na metric na visit_type_no >= 4 and Visit_type = ANC
2e Number of pregnant women with HB test at first ANC visit 23244001 snomed procedure Hemoglobin VISIT_TYPE = ANC and VISIT_TYPE_NO = 1
3 Pregnant women given TT2+ vaccine 146080110000011 snomed procedure Tetanus toxoid VISIT_TYPE = ANC
4a 4th and more pregnancy na na questionnaireResponse How many times have you been pregnant before? Answer: >4,4,5,5+
4b Below 20 YEARs na na metric na age < 20
4c First pregnancy at 35 and above YEARs O09.61 ICD10 condition primigravida AGE >= 35
4c First pregnancy at 35 and above YEARs na na questionnaireResponse At what age did you have your first child? answer = >35
4c First pregnancy at 35 and above YEARs na na questionnaireResponse Were you older than 35 when you first got pregnant? answer = true
4d Low HB < 8.5 g/dl - Anemia first visit O99.0 ICD10 condition Anaemia in pregnancy VISIT_TYPE = ANC, VISIT_TYPE_NO = 1
4e High blood pressure (BP => 140/90 hg) O13 ICD10 condition Pregnancy - induced hypertension VISIT_TYPE = ANC
4f Tuberculosis O98.0 ICD10 condition Tuberculosis VISIT_TYPE = ANC
4g Sugar in urine 69376001.0 snomed procedure Urine test for Glucose VISIT_TYPE = ANC
4h Protein in urine 441948005.0 snomed procedure Urine test for Protein VISIT_TYPE = ANC
4i Pregnant women tested for syphilis 169698000 snomed procedure Syphilis test / VDRL or PRP VISIT_TYPE = ANC
4j Diagnosed with syphilis infection O98.1 ICD10 condition Syphilis ISIT_TYPE = ANC
4k Treated for syphilis infection 75247008 snomed procedure Syphilis treatment VISIT_TYPE = ANC
4l Partners tested for syphilis infection na na questionnaireResponse Partner tested for syphilis infection answer = true
4m Partners diagnosed with syphilis infection na na questionnaireResponse Partner diagnosed with syphilis infection answer = true
4n Partners / spouse treated for syphilis infections na na questionnaireResponse Partner/spouse treated for syphilis infections answer = true
4o Pregnant women diagnosed with non syphilis Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) N77.1 ICD10 condition bacterial vaginosis VISIT_TYPE = ANC
4o Pregnant women diagnosed with non syphilis Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) A56 ICD10 condition chlamydia VISIT_TYPE = ANC
4o Pregnant women diagnosed with non syphilis Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) O54.10 ICD10 condition genital herpes VISIT_TYPE = ANC
4o Pregnant women diagnosed with non syphilis Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) A54.9 ICD10 condition gonorrhea VISIT_TYPE = ANC
4o Pregnant women diagnosed with non syphilis Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) N73.9 ICD10 condition pelvic inflammatory disease VISIT_TYPE = ANC
4o Pregnant women diagnosed with non syphilis Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) B37 ICD10 condition Candidiasis VISIT_TYPE = ANC
4p Pregnant women who received correct treatment for non syphilis STDs ? snomed procedure Other STD treatment VISIT_TYPE = ANC
4q Partners / spouses diagnosed with non syphilis STDs na na questionnaireResponse Partners/spouses diagnosed with non syphilis STDs answer = true
4r Partners / spouses who receive correct treatment for non syphilis STDs na na questionnaireResponse Partners/spouses received correct treatment for non syphilis STDs answer = true
5a Pregnant mothers with known HIV infection before starting ANC clinic na na questionnaireResponse (Current Medical Condition)Do you have any of these health conditions? answer = HIV
5b Pregnant women who received councelling before HIV testing 313077009 snomed procedure HIV councelling (before test) VISIT_TYPE = ANC
5c Pregnant women receiving first HIV test at ANC clinic 171121004 snomed procedure HIV test VISIT_TYPE = ANC and HIV_TEST = 1
5d Pregnant women found to be HIV positive - first test O98.7 ICD10 condition HIV in pregnancy VISIT_TYPE = ANC and HIV_TEST = 1
5e Pregnant women below 25 YEARs found to be HIV positive - first test O98.7 ICD10 condition HIV in pregnancy VISIT_TYPE = ANC and HIV_TEST =1 and age < 25
5f Pregnant women councelled after HIV testing 313077009 snomed procedure HIV councelling (after test) VISIT_TYPE = ANC
5g Pregnant women tested for HIV with spouse/partner 171121004 snomed procedure HIV test VISIT_TYPE = ANC
5h Pregnant women receiving second HIV test 171121004 snomed procedure HIV test VISIT_TYPE = ANC and HIV_TEST=2
5i Pregnant women found to be HIV positive by second HIV test O98.7 ICD10 condition HIV in pregnancy VISIT_TYPE = ANC and HIV_TEST=2
5j Partner/spouse receiving first HIV test at ANC clinic na na questionnaireResponse Partners/spouse receiving first HIV test at ANC clinic answer = true
5k Partner/spouse found to be HIV positive by first test na na questionnaireResponse Partners/spouse found to be HIV positive by first test answer = true
5l Partner/spouse receiving second HIV test at ANC na na questionnaireResponse Partner/spouse receiving second HIV test at ANC answer = true
5m Partner/spouse found to be HIV positive by second test na na questionnaireResponse Partner/spouse found to be HIV positive by second test answer = true
5n Pregnant women and partners/spouses with discordant HIV results after testing at ANC clinic na na questionnaireResponse Partners/spouses with discordant HIV results after testing at ANC clinic answer = true
5o Pregnant women receiving infant feeding counselling 243094003 snomed procedure Breastfeeding education and assessment VISIT_TYPE = ANC
5p Pregnant women at below 25 YEARs receiving first HIV test 171121004 snomed procedure HIV test VISIT_TYPE = ANC and HIV_TEST = 1 and age < 25
6a Pregnant women receiving LLIN ? snomed procedure Mosquito net VISIT_TYPE = ANC
6b Pregnant women testing Malaria using MRDT/BS 412690006 snomed procedure Malaria Rapid Test VISIT_TYPE = ANC
6b Pregnant women testing Malaria using MRDT/BS ? snomed procedure %MRDT% VISIT_TYPE = ANC
6c Pregnant women diagnosed with malaria B54 ICD10 condition Malaria VISIT_TYPE = ANC
6d Pregnant mothers given IPT2 777371007 snomed procedure SP tabs for Presumptive malaria treatment VISIT_TYPE = ANC and MALARIA_TREATMENT = 2
6e Pregnant mothers given IPT3 777371007 snomed procedure SP tabs for Presumptive malaria treatment VISIT_TYPE = ANC and MALARIA_TREATMENT = 3
6f Pregnant mothers given IPT4 777371007 snomed procedure SP tabs for Presumptive malaria treatment VISIT_TYPE = ANC and MALARIA_TREATMENT = 4
7 Pregnant mothers given Iron/Folic Acid (I, F, IFA) (enough to last until next visit) 63718003 snomed procedure Folic acid/Ferous VISIT_TYPE = ANC
7 Pregnant mothers given Iron/Folic Acid (I, F, IFA) (enough to last until next visit) ? snomed procedure Ferrous VISIT_TYPE = ANC
7 Pregnant mothers given Iron/Folic Acid (I, F, IFA) (enough to last until next visit) 63718003 snomed procedure Folic Acid VISIT_TYPE = ANC
7 Pregnant mothers given Iron/Folic Acid (I, F, IFA) (enough to last until next visit) 387402000 snomed procedure Ferrous Sulphate VISIT_TYPE = ANC
8 Pregnant women given antihemitics (Albendazole /Mebendazole) 387311004 snomed procedure Mebendazole VISIT_TYPE = ANC
9 Pregnant Women counselled for family planning 397619005 snomed procedure Family planning VISIT_TYPE = ANC
10 Pregnant Women referred na na serviceRequest na total nr of patients in referral table
11 Pregnant Women referred to CTC na na serviceRequest na total nr of patients in referral table where reason is HIV

delivery topics

serial_number description code system origin originial_description extra filter
1 Mothers expected /projected to deliver at service station na na Observation na use expected delivery date and count nr of unique patients
2a Mothers delivered at the facility 11466000 SNOMED procedure Cesarean Section VISIT_TYPE = delivery
2a Mothers delivered at the facility 177184002 SNOMED procedure %Delivery% VISIT_TYPE = delivery
2a Mothers delivered at the facility 237311001 SNOMED procedure Breech delivery VISIT_TYPE = delivery
2b Deliveries/Birth before arrival at the facility (BBA) na na questionnaireResponse %where was the baby born% anser like %other%
2c Delivered by assistance of traditional birth attendants(TBA) na na questionnaireResponse %was there a birth attendant present?% answer=true
2d Delivered at home without assistance of TBA na na questionnaireResponse %was there a birth attendant present?% answer=false
3a Delivered after 12 hours since onset of labour O63 ICD10 condition Long labour VISIT_TYPE = delivery
4b Vacuum (MV) ? SNOMED procedure Vacuum (VM) VISIT_TYPE = delivery
4c Breech delivery (BR) 237311001 SNOMED procedure Breech delivery VISIT_TYPE = delivery
4d Caesarian section (CS) 11466000 SNOMED procedure Cesarean Section VISIT_TYPE = delivery
5a APH O46 ICD10 condition Antepartum Hemorrhage VISIT_TYPE = ANC
5c High Blood Pressure O13 ICD10 condition Pregnancy - induced hypertension VISIT_TYPE = ANC
5d Pre-eclampsia O14 ICD10 condition Pre - eclampsia VISIT_TYPE = ANC
5e Eclampsia O15.0 ICD10 condition Eclampsia VISIT_TYPE = ANC
5f Malaria B54 ICD10 condition Malaria VISIT_TYPE = ANC
5g Anaemia O99.0 ICD10 condition Anaemia in pregnancy VISIT_TYPE = ANC
6a PPH O72 ICD10 condition Postpartum haemorrhage VISIT_TYPE = PNC or delivery
6d Obstructed labour O64 ICD10 condition Fetal Malpresentation VISIT_TYPE = delivery
6d Obstructed labour O65 ICD10 condition Pelvic abnormality VISIT_TYPE = delivery
6d Obstructed labour O66 ICD10 condition Other obstructed labour VISIT_TYPE = delivery
6e Retained placenta O73 ICD10 condition Retained placenta and membranes, without haemorrhage VISIT_TYPE = delivery
6h Sepsis O85 ICD10 condition Puerperal Sepsis VISIT_TYPE = PNC
7a Received antibiotic 255631004 SNOMED procedure Antibiotics VISIT_TYPE = delivery
7b Given uterotonic ? SNOMED procedure Uterotonics VISIT_TYPE = delivery
7c Given magnesium sulphate 387202002 SNOMED procedure Magnesium Sulphate VISIT_TYPE = delievery
7d Placenta removed manually ? SNOMED procedure Manual removal of placenta VISIT_TYPE = delivery
7f Received blood transfusion 116859006 SNOMED procedure Blood transfusion VISIT_TYPE = delivery
8c Women received oxytocin after delivery 777037006 SNOMED procedure Oxytocin VISIT_TYPE = delivery
8d Women received egometrine after delivery 126071000 SNOMED procedure Egometrine VISIT_TYPE = delivery
8e Women received Misoprostol after delivery 776804001 SNOMED procedure Misoprostol VISIT_TYPE = delivery
9a Total tested HIV at ANC 171121004 SNOMED procedure HIV test VISIT_TYPE = ANC
9b Tested positive at ANC O98.7 ICD10 condition HIV in pregnancy VISIT_TYPE = ANC
9c Total tested HIV during and after delivery 171121004 SNOMED procedure HIV test VISIT_TYPE = delivery or PNC
9d Tested positive during and after delivery O98.7 ICD10 condition HIV in pregnancy VISIT_TYPE = delivery or PNC
9e Opted for exclusive breast feeding (EBF) na na questionnaireResponse %MomCare: Je una mpango wa kunyonyesha mtoto kwa% answer like %Mfululizo kwa miezi 6 bila chakula kingine%
9f Those Opted for alternative feeding(RF) na na questionnaireResponse %MomCare: Je una mpango wa kunyonyesha mtoto kwa% answer like %Kumpa maziwa ya mama na chakula kingine%
9f Those Opted for alternative feeding(RF) na na questionnaireResponse %MomCare: Je una mpango wa kunyonyesha mtoto kwa% answer like %Hutanyonyesha kabisa%
9g Given ARV prophylaxis (Tail) at time of discharge 713540004 SNOMED procedure ARV prophylaxis VISIT_TYPE = delivery
9h Mothers given referral to CTC clinic na na serviceRequest na patients in serviceRequests where reason = HIV
10a Total number of children born alive
10b Born alive with weight less than 2.5 kg P05.0 ICD10 condition Low Birth weight (< 2499 grams) VISIT_TYPE = delivery
10c Children born alive with weight =>2.5 kg P05.0 ICD10 condition Low Birth weight (< 2499 grams) VISIT_TYPE = delivery and make sure condition is NOT met
10e Baby Born fresh dead (FSB) P95 ICD10 condition Stillbirth (FSB) VISIT_TYPE = delivery
10f Baby Born with HIV-positive mothers O98.7 ICD10 condition HIV in pregnancy VISIT_TYPE = delivery
10g Baby received ARV drugs 713540004 SNOMED procedure ARV prophylaxis VISIT_TYPE = delivery
12a Number of babies received breathing assistance by suction 232705007 SNOMED procedure Baby breathing assistance - sunction VISIT_TYPE = delivery
12b Number of babies received breathing assistance by stimulation 1230275006 SNOMED procedure Baby breathing assistance - stimulation VISIT_TYPE = delivery
12c Number of baby received breathing assistance by by Bag and Mask ? SNOMED procedure Baby breathing assistance - bag and mask VISIT_TYPE = delivery
13a Number of babies who were breastfeed within one hour after birth 243094003 SNOMED procedure Breastfeeding education and assessment VISIT_TYPE = delivery
13b Number of mothers who were given referral na na serviceRequest na total nr of patients in referral table
14a Maternal death occurred O95 ICD10 condition Maternal death VISIT_TYPE = delivery
15a Given counselling of family planning 397619005 SNOMED procedure Family planning VISIT_TYPE = PNC
15b Client who does total hysterectomy 236886002 SNOMED procedure Hysterectomy na
15c Client for whom IUCD was inserted 176837007 SNOMED procedure IUCD na
15d Client with inserted Norplant 169553002 SNOMED procedure %Norplant% na
15e Client received POP 255664004 SNOMED procedure pop na
16a New baby born died P96.8 ICD10 condition Neonatal death na


serial_code Decription Code System origin original_description extra filtering
1a Toatal number of clients attendees within 48hs
1b Total number of clients attendees 3-7 days na na combined metric na 3<= DAYS_SINCE_DELIVERY <= 7
1c Total number of atendees within 7 days (1a+1b) na na combined metric na DAYS_SINCE_DELIVERY<=7
2 Total number of clients who finished all attendee (48hrs, 3-7days, 8-28days, 29-42) na na combined metric na DAYS_SINCE_DELIVERY <= 42
3 Clients with severe anaemia (HB<8.5g/dl) O99.0 ICD10 condition Anaemia in pregnancy VISIT_TYPE = PNC
4 Clients who had mental disorder after delivery F53.9 ICD10 condition Puerperal Mental Disorder, Unspecified VISIT_TYPE = PNC
5 Client given vitamin A 3692241100000111 SNOMED procedure Vitamin A VISIT_TYPE = PNC
6 Clients with infected perineal tear O90.1 ICD10 condition Perineal tear infections VISIT_TYPE = PNC
7 Client with Fistula N82 ICD10 condition ? VISIT_TYPE = PNC
8 Delivered out of health facility na na combined metric na check patients whose expected delivery date is passed by 14 days and who did not have a delivery visit
8a Delivered before arrival to health facility (BBA) na na questionnaireResponse %where was the baby born% answer = other
8b Delivered at traditional birth attendant (TBA) na na questionnaireResponse %was there a birth attendant present?% true
8c Home deliveries na na questionnaireResponse %where was the baby born% home
9a Counselled on family planning 397619005 SNOMED procedure Family planning VISIT_TYPE = PNC
9b Given Condom 339731000000107 SNOMED procedure Condom VISIT_TYPE = PNC
9c Given Pills (POP) 255664004 SNOMED procedure POP VISIT_TYPE = PNC
9d1 Given norplants (Implanon) 169553002 SNOMED procedure Norplant VISIT_TYPE = PNC
9d2 Given norplants (Jadele) 169553002 SNOMED procedure Norplant (Jadele) VISIT_TYPE = PNC
9e Given inter uterine device 176837007 SNOMED procedure IUCD VISIT_TYPE = PNC
9f Sterilization (BTL) 287664005 SNOMED procedure Sterilization (BTL) VISIT_TYPE = PNC
10 PMTCT ? SNOMED procedure PMTCT na
10b HIV tested during postnatal (within 42days since delivery) 171121004 SNOMED procedure HIV test VISIT_TYPE = PNC
10c Diagnosed with HIV during post natal (within 42 days since delivery) O98.7 ICD10 condition HIV in pregnancy VISIT_TYPE = PNC
10d Clients with HIV who opted for exclusive breast feeding (EBF) na na questionnaireResponse %MomCare: Je una mpango wa kunyonyesha mtoto kwa% answer ilike %Mfululizo kwa miezi 6 bila chakula kingine%
10e Clients with HIV who opted for replacement feeding (RF) na na questionnaireResponse %MomCare: Je una mpango wa kunyonyesha mtoto kwa% answer ilike %Kumpa maziwa ya mama na chakula kingine%
10e Clients with HIV who opted for replacement feeding (RF) na na questionnaireResponse %MomCare: Je una mpango wa kunyonyesha mtoto kwa% %Hutanyonyesha kabisa%

6.2 Updating DHIS2 Topics

It is possible that the method to calculate certain DHIS2 topics must be updated. To do so there are multiple options:

  • Patient timeline mapping: Alter or add to the mapping tables that are used to map the patient_timeline information. The mapping tables are stored in the master data folder on azure. When creating a mapping table with a new name, this must be updated in the configuration of the DHIS2 reporter, which can be found under src/data/DHIS2/config.py.
  • Questionnaire mapping:Alter or add to the mapping tables that are used to map the questionnaire_response information. These mapping tables can be found under in the master data folder on Azure as well. When creating a mapping table with a new name, this must be updated in the configuration of the DHIS2 reporter, which can be found under src/data/DHIS2/config.py.
  • Separate calulcations: If it is only one topic that must be updated, it can be more convenient to add to the mapping queries for the DHIS2 reports. For each report there is a separate mapping one can add to: add_anc_mapping, add_delivery_mapping, and add_pnc_mapping. These queries can be found under scr/data/DHIS2/SQL_queries.


Still not all DHIS2 topics have been (correctly) implemented in the reports:

  • Twin related topics in delivery report: There are topics about twins that were not available in the current reports yet, but calculations are available in previous mapping code, that have yet to be converted in the DHIS2 reporter class
  • ANC report topic: Pregnant women tested for HIV with spouse/partner. Currently it is checked if visit_type = ANC and if tested for HIV. but it is unknown if this is ‘with spouse/parter’.
  • ANC report topic: Pregnant women testing Malaria using MRDT/BS. Now it is only checked if a malaria rapid test was performed, but this should also include procedures with subject MRDT. MRDT is not yet mapped to fhir, because type = null and we only mapped visit items where the type is drug or test.
  • ANC report topic: Pregnant Women counselled for family planning. This item is always classified as PNC, so either it does not occur in ANC or information is missed.
  • Delivery report topic: VACUUM (MV). The mapping for this topic is already implemented, but this visit item is not yet mapped to fhir, because type is equipment, and not drug or test.
  • delivery report topic: Placenta removed manually. The mapping for this topic is already prepared, but item is not yet mapped to fhir. because its type is null (not test or drug)
  • delivery and anc report referral related topics: Now all referral patients are used for calculations, where previously only ‘mother’ type patients were evaluated. This information is not mapped to fhir, are non-mother patients filtered out?

Besides the specific DHIS2 topics there are also a few other todo’s:

  • Evaluation: There are big differences with the previous DHIS2 reports that were based on COT data directly. Some differences were intended, some are not yet explained. This should be further investigated.
  • Procedure mapping: The ICD10 codes are used to map the DHIS2 topics to the conditions, but for the procedures the SNOMED codes are not used yet. This is because we could not find SNOMED codes for all procedures, and for some of the procedures, we were uncertain whether the SNOMED codes were correct. Therefore, still the list of SNOMED codes should be checked and filled. When this list of SNOMED codes is completed, the mapping should be based on the SNOMED codes (currently its matched on the text).

6.4 USING DHIS2reporter

TODO: Implement example notebooks on analytics workbench! Example notebooks, showing how to run the Baser reporter and the DHIS2 reporter are available in the analytics workbench. These reporters can be run to manually create the standardized base reports or DHIS2 reports. In addition, one can also directly load the base reports (patient_timeline, questionnaire_responses) or DHIS2 reports, and directly start analyzing them.